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Condiciones de Transporte
Haga clic en el enlace del país en el que compró su billete para leer las condiciones de transporte que se aplican a su viaje.
Protocol to Athens Convention 2002
Protocol of 2002 to the Athens Convention relating to the carriage of guests and their luggage by sea, 1974.
Athens Convention 2002
Athens Convention relating to the carriage of guests and their luggage by sea, 1974.
Conditions of Carriage of guests and their luggage.
Condições de Transporte aplicáveis às vendas que são realizadas no Portugal
Condiciones de transporte aplicables a ventas que tengan lugar en Espana.
United States
Conditions of Carriage applicable to sales that take place in the US.
United Kingdom
Conditions of Carriage applicable to sales that take place in the UK.
Conditions de transport relatives aux ventes réalisées à France.
Γενικοί όροι σύμβασης μεταφοράς και αποσκευών που αφορούν την Κύπρο.
Γενικοί όροι σύμβασης μεταφοράς και αποσκευών που αφορούν την Ελλάδα.