Love Your Vacation Dream
Savings of up to 50% + €200 of CelestyalPay*
Now with Free Upgrades included on select sailings
Don't miss our biggest sale ever! Explore the Mediterranean or Arabian Gulf with amazing deals. 7-night cruises from $739 per person, plus €100 CelestyalPay, our new pre-purchase drinks and speciality dining onboard. 3 & 4-night cruises from $359 with €50 CelestyalPay.
Now with free upgrades included from interior to exterior, choose your dream cruise below and start your adventure today!
*on selected cruises
Booking Conditions: *Celestyal One Fares are per-person, based on a double occupancy of the stateroom and are quoted in €/$/£/AU$. Celestyal One Fares include accommodation on board in the booked category, on-board dining and complimentary select drinks and beverages during food service hours, entry level Wi-Fi package, entertainment program on board, all Port Fees and gratuities.
Upgrade Offer: Passengers who book an inside cabin under category IC are eligible to select any available outside cabin category (XA, XBO, XB, XC or XD), at no additional cost beyond the IC fare. This price downgrade is directly reflected on prices shown on this Fare Sheet on the sailings eligible for the Offer. The upgrade applies strictly to the designated outside categories and does not extend to the Outside cabins with Balcony (BA) or suites (SJA, SJB, SJC, SG, SP, SH). Cabin upgrades are subject to availability at the time of the booking and Celestyal does not guarantee the availability of specific cabin categories throughout the Offer’s booking window. Booking window is January 30th, 2025 to March 16th, 2025 for the selected cruises.
Offer is valid for new, individual bookings. Reduced rate space is capacity controlled and may be withdrawn at any time with, or without notice. Celestyal Cruises reserves the right to add, change or modify fares and/or fare conditions at any time, without notification. Celestyal’s Deposit and Cancellation standard policies apply based on the booking/sailing date. Celestyal reserves the right to correct any incorrect information due to a human error, typographical error, or technical error. In the event of any discrepancies between the rates stated herein and the rates displayed in the Reservation System, the rates provided by the Reservation System shall prevail and be deemed as the correct and binding rates for all purpose. The general terms and conditions of Celestyal apply.