«CELESTYAL CRUISES CENTRE LIMITED» a company incorporated in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Cyprus and having its registered address at 11 Limassol Avenue, 2112 Nicosia, with a branch office situated in Greece (8 Antoniou Ampatielou Street, 18536, Piraeus, Greece) in accordance with the Greek Law 89/1967, with A.F.M. ……………, D.O.Y. Ploion (hereinafter referred to as the “Organizer “), has organized the competition titled “100 DAYS OF SUMMER ON US” (hereinafter the “Competition”). The present terms (hereinafter the “Participation Terms”) are intended to define the terms and conditions subject to which participation in the Competition is permitted, as well as the process of selection of the winners and the delivery of the Prize of the Competition.


Subject to term 3 below, the persons entitled to participate in the Competition, must fulfill cumulatively the following prerequisites:

(a) persons who are 18 years old,

(b) persons who have the legal capacity to participate in the Competition

(c) persons who have validly completed the procedure described in term 5 of the present.

In light of the above and for the purposes of the present, the “Participant” means anyone who fulfills cumulatively the above prerequisites and, therefore, has the right to participate in the Competition.


The following persons are excluded from the Competition

(a) the employees of the Organizer,

(b) spouses and family members of first degree to the employees falling under subsection (a) above,

(c) any person connected in any other way with the Organizer or with any subsidiary company or with any third party, connected with the above companies in relation to or because of the Competition (including without limitation: suppliers, sponsors, advertizing companies).

The Organizer reserves the right to cancel at its own discretion any participations, which do not fulfill the terms of articles 2 and 3 of the Participation Terms.


The duration of the Competition shall commence on 28th May 2021 (hereinafter “Commencement Date”) until the 25th June, 2021 (hereinafter “End Date”).

The Organizer shall not accept any participation received after the above-mentioned period of the Competition.


Persons eligible as per Clause 2 above to participate in the Competition, should have purchased during the term of the Competition as outlined in Clause 4 above a 7-night Idyllic Aegean cruise to be performed in 2021 (“Cruise”) and declared their preference as to their favorite destination from the Cruise’s itinerary through the Organizer’s competition landing page.

Purchase of the Cruise as specified above together with guest’s declaration of their favourite destination through the Organizer’s competition landing page will be deemed to be considered as participation in the Competition and thus, full acceptance of the Participation Terms as outlined herein. Any information held by the Organizer and/or any third party, acting in accordance with the instructions of the Organizer in relation to the Participants for the purposes of the Competition shall constitute complete evidence of participation and validity of such participation in the Competition.

  1. PRIZE

The winner(s) of the Competition shall be entitled to a refund in the amount of 125 Euros (hereinafter the “Prize”).

The Prize is personal and non-transferable, and the winner(s) cannot use it during a different period of time. The winners of the Competition shall not have the right to exchange the Prize with any other items.


The winner(s) of the Competition, namely 50 persons in total, shall be selected through one (1) random draw to be completed on …………… at………..h at the Organizers offices in the presence of the notary of public. The draw will be performed by a random computer process. In addition, one (1) alternate winner shall be selected per Prize, if for any reason the winner is disqualified for invalid participation or, due to breach of the Participation Terms


The winner(s) or alternate winner (as the case may be) will be informed by the Organizer or the travel agency with which the winner or alternate winner (as the case may be) booked and purchased the Cruise.

The Participants hereby declare that that all personal data/information provided at the time of booking and purchase of the Cruise are valid, complete, true and accurate, otherwise the Organizer cannot guarantee that it will be able to inform the winner(s) or alternate winner intime and reserves the right to invalidate such participation or withdraw the Prize.

The Prize shall be given to the winner(s) or alternate winner (as the case may be) within seven (7) days from the date they have been informed of their win as per above.


(a) The Organizer announces that itself and/or third parties that execute the processing of personal data, under the orders and for the Organizer, shall process personal data of the Participants in order to chose the winners of the Competition, to publish the results of the Competition and to take all necessary actions in order to deliver the Prizes to the winners. In consideration of the above, the Participants provide explicitly and without prejudice their consent to the Organizer for the processing by the Organizer or by any other party designated by the Organizer, of their submitted data only for the conducting of the Competition, the selection of the winners and the delivery of the Prizes according to the Participation Terms.

The Participants to the Competition and the winner have the rights of information, access and objection under articles 11, 12 and 13 of the Greek Law 2472/1997 and may exercise their rights by mail to the address 8 Antoniou Ampatielou Street, 18536, Piraeus, Greece, tel.: +30 210 …………………….. The personal data of the winner shall be used only for the present promotional activity.

(b) The Participants to the Competition give their consent and authorization to the Organizer for the promotion of the Competition and its results through printed and electronic press (internet etc.) during the term of the years 2020 and 2021. In light of the above, the Organizer is entitled to use and publish any news in relation to the conducting of the Competition, such as to announce in public the name of the winner and to proceed to any promotional activity which is considered necessary by the Organizer as well as to commercially exploit the Competition.


(a) The Participation Terms of the Competition are submitted to the Notary Public Mrs. Zafiria Souri – Konstantinou (Piraeus, 1 Skouze Str. telephone number +30 210 4295118-9) and are displayed in the web address celestyal.com. Any Participant to the Competition or any third party has the right at his/her own cost to receive true copy of the present Participation Terms submitted to the above mentioned Notary Public. The Participation Terms of the Competition are exclusively valid and they annul any older terms submitted to a Notary Public.


The Organizer reserves the right to amend solely the Participation Terms and/or the procedures of the Competition (including the term of the Competition), if this amendment is deemed necessary by the Organizer, by announcing any such amendment through the web address celestyal.com. The enforcement date of such annulment / amendment is deemed the date of the relevant announcement. In light of the above, the Organizer reserves the right to transfer the time of the selection of the winners of the Competition. The Organizer reserves the right for any reason whatsoever to extend or shorten the term of the Competition, given that the Organizer informs the Participants within a reasonable time and by reasonable means as per its judgment. The Organizer is not liable in case of postponement or cancellation of the Competition.


By participating in the Competition, the Participants automatically accept, explicitly and without prejudice the Terms of Participation and the official rules and decisions of the Organizer regarding the Competition, which are deemed definite and binding. Moreover, participation in the Competition is considered a waiver of any relevant economical or any other claim and/or right whatsoever against the Organizer.


(a) The Participants shall not have or acquire any right at all upon the Organizer’s trademarks, names, indications, emblems and other distinctive Marks.

(b) If any of the provisions of the present is found unenforceable or invalid, the remaining provisions of the Participation Terms shall continue to have full force and effect.


The present shall be governed by Greek law. All disputes arising from or in connection to the Competition, including any disputes for its existence, validity and term, shall be exclusively and finally settled by the Courts of Piraeus.

Piraeus, …………………..

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